Tuition/ year 1 (without admission discount), rubles 2023 |
Architecture (Architectural Engineering) | 216 900 |
Сonstruction (Design, Construction and Examination of Driving Roads and Urban Streets; Reconstruction (Restoration), Technical Inspection and Monitoring of Buildings and Structures; Water Supply and Sanitation in Cities and Industrial Enterprises; Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems, Energy Audit; Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures; Theory and Design of Geotechnical Structures; Investment and Construction Design and Estimating; Project Management for Bridges and Overpasses Construction; Digital Construction; Industrial and Civil Engineering at Oil Production Facilities) | 216 900 |
Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Machine Learning and Data Analysis) | 216 900 |
Geology (Arctic and Subarctic Recourses) | 216 900 |
Informatics and Computer Engineering (Neural Network Technologies in Automated Control Systems) | 216 900 |
Information Systems and Technologies (Artificial Intelligence in theindustry, Smart City Intelligent Technology) | 216 900 |
Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering (Digital Engineering and Energy Saving Technologies) | 216 900 |
Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Intellectual Electrical Power Engineering) | 216 900 |
Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Technologies and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering) | 216 900 |
Technological Machines and Equipment (Innovative Technologies. Quality Management and Engineering of Industrial Equipment and Production) | 216 900 |
Chemical Technology (Chernical Technology of Fuel and Gas) | 216 900 |
Automation of Technological Processes and Production (Automation of Technological Processes in Oil and Gas Production) | 216 900 |
Technosphere Safety (Safety of Technological Processes and Productions; Technosphere Safety Management; Design and Management of Environmental Safety) | 216 900 |
Petroleum Engineering (Diagnostics of Technical Condition and Reliability of Oil and Gas Equipment; Petroleum Geology and Geophysics: Integrated Development of Oil and Gas Fields; Oil and Gas Field Exploration; Modeling of Oil and Gas Field Exploration; Technological Solutions for Well Construction at Fields with Complex Geological and Technological Development Conditions) | 254 300 |
Petroleum Engineering (taught in English) (Reliability and Safety in Hydrocarbon Resource Transportation) | |
Petroleum Engineering (Digital Technologies in Petroleum Engineering) | 254 300 |
Petroleum Engineering (Digital Engineering of Gas Fields) | 254 300 |
Petroleum Engineering (Performance Management of the Systems for Oil and Gas Transportation andStorage) | 254 300 |
Land Management and Cadastres (Organization and Development of Urbanized Territories) | 254 300 |
Human Resource Management (Management, Consulting and Personnel Audit in the Era of Digitalization) | 193 100 |
Advertising and Public Relations (taught in English) | 193 100 |
Trading Business (Logistics and Commerce in the Oil and Gas Business) | 193 100 |
Governmental Audit (Expertise and Analytics in Governmental Audit and Control) |