Tuition/ year 1 (without admission discount), rubles 2023

Architecture (Architectural Engineering) 216 900
Сonstruction (Design, Construction and Examination of Driving Roads and Urban Streets; Reconstruction (Restoration), Technical Inspection and Monitoring of Buildings and Structures; Water Supply and Sanitation in Cities and Industrial Enterprises; Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems, Energy Audit; Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures; Theory and Design of Geotechnical Structures; Investment and Construction Design and Estimating; Project Management for Bridges and Overpasses Construction; Digital Construction; Industrial and Civil Engineering at Oil Production Facilities) 216 900
Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Machine Learning and Data Analysis) 216 900
Geology (Arctic and Subarctic Recourses) 216 900
Informatics and Computer Engineering (Neural Network Technologies in Automated Control Systems)  216 900
Information Systems and Technologies (Artificial Intelligence in theindustry, Smart City Intelligent Technology) 216 900
Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering (Digital Engineering and Energy Saving Technologies) 216 900
Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Intellectual Electrical Power Engineering) 216 900
Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Technologies and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering) 216 900
Technological Machines and Equipment (Innovative Technologies. Quality Management and Engineering of Industrial Equipment and Production) 216 900
Chemical Technology (Chernical Technology of Fuel and Gas) 216 900
Automation of Technological Processes and Production (Automation of Technological Processes in Oil and Gas Production) 216 900
Technosphere Safety (Safety of Technological Processes and Productions; Technosphere Safety Management; Design and Management of Environmental Safety) 216 900
Petroleum Engineering (Diagnostics of Technical Condition and Reliability of Oil and Gas Equipment; Petroleum Geology and Geophysics: Integrated Development of Oil and Gas Fields; Oil and Gas Field Exploration; Modeling of Oil and Gas Field Exploration; Technological Solutions for Well Construction at Fields with Complex Geological and Technological Development Conditions) 254 300
Petroleum Engineering (taught in English) (Reliability and Safety in Hydrocarbon Resource Transportation)  
Petroleum Engineering (Digital Technologies in Petroleum Engineering)  254 300
Petroleum Engineering (Digital Engineering of Gas Fields) 254 300
Petroleum Engineering (Performance Management of the Systems for Oil and Gas Transportation andStorage) 254 300
Land Management and Cadastres (Organization and Development of Urbanized Territories) 254 300
Human Resource Management (Management, Consulting and Personnel Audit in the Era of Digitalization) 193 100
Advertising and Public Relations (taught in English) 193 100
Trading Business   (Logistics and Commerce in the Oil and Gas Business) 193 100
Governmental Audit (Expertise and Analytics in Governmental Audit and Control)